US monthly magazine. This was the first ever astronomy magazines that I read on a monthly basis. I first started reading it back in the early 1980s although I stopped reading it towards the end of the 1980s (about the same time that I drifted away from active observing). Started reading it again around 2001.
Astronomy Now
UK monthly magazine. I've been reading this each month since about 2001. Not my favourite monthly — probably third after S&T and Astronomy — but there's usually an interesting article or two in there.
Journal of the BAA
The bimonthly magazine of the BAA. I get this as part of my membership of the BAA. I find it to be quite a mix of readable/useful articles as well as articles that are out of my league — the latter being a good thing as it gives me something to learn.
Night Sky
US bimonthly magazine from the publishers of Sky & Telescope. I first noticed this here in the UK in early 2005 and have been buying it ever since. While it is more of a "beginners" magazine it's a pretty good read.
Popular Astronomy
The quarterly magazine of the SPA. I get this as part of my membership of the SPA. I find it to be an excellent read and a really great way of keeping up with the amateur scene in the UK.
Sky & Telescope
US monthly magazine. Easily my favourite monthly. As with Astronomy and Astronomy Now I started reading this on a monthly basis back in around 2001.
Sky at Night
UK monthly magazine. New out in 2005 and based on the BBC programme of the same name. For quite some time I was undecided about this one and then, around April 2006, I stopped buying it as I felt that quality of the content didn't match the cover price.